Friday, December 21, 2012

Ryan's Graduation Day at WSU

He did it!

Not only did Ryan graduate with a bachelor degree in construction management - he was the VERY FIRST of all the graduates to have his name called.

Pro: We saw him, he saw us in the crowd, and we cheered mighty loud!

Con: There were still two more hours of names to get through. We were good sports and stuck it out until the end. Then the photos began.

We were so happy to have family in town to celebrate Ryan's graduation day. Thank you to our Beck and Webb families for being here, and for taking us to dinner at our favorite Ogden restaurant, Roosters, to celebrate. Then we saw "The Nutcracker" at Peery's Egyptian Theater. (Guess that was more for me and the ladies than Ryan, but he was a good sport about it.)

Ryan's kind of hard to shop for, since he's always finding his own wicked cheap deals on things, but I did pull off a winner gift: a children's book called, "Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site." You can't lose with a title like that for a construction guy. :)

Now he gets a three week break and on to graduate school!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

What can YOU do with 12 words?

The challenge is on. Enter the 12-word essay contest and wow me with your word skills!

As a contest enthusiast myself, I've entered dozens and dozens of contests over the years, but this is my first time hosting one. I've been excited to host this for months, and it's been really fun to see how creative people get with such a limited number of words. 

Make sure you enter by Dec. 10, and then I'll announce the 12 winners on 12.12.12, who will score the great prizes pictured below. Maybe you'll be one of them!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Two in School

For only 11 more days, Ryan and I are attending the same university. We've been making the 6-minute drive together from our apartment to our Tuesday night classes ever since his car broke down a month ago. He goes to the construction building, while I visit the communication building down the hill.

We've been able to leave each other love notes in the car (when we're not driving together) and sneak in kisses after class. It's fun to be married and going to school. I realized when I caught this shot of the Weber State Stewart Bell Tower recently that these days of conveniently going to school together will soon pass by.

But that's okay.

You see, the countdown for Ryan's graduation has almost entered single digits. I'm so proud of him!