Sunday, June 30, 2013

Remembering Princess Millie Flamm

I wholeheartedly believe there are everyday heroes all around us. The mini-sized ones are especially inspiring. One little princess I interviewed last summer made a rippling effect throughout the world.

Back then, six-year-old Millie Flamm was getting ready to start her second round of chemo after a relapse. I wrote an article for KSL about her first Princess Run. When I told her in our brief phone interviewed that she's a brave little girl she didn't miss a beat. 

"I sure am!" she bubbled back.  I couldn't help but include that energetic response in the article.

I've watched the story of Millie Flamm by Facebook throughout the past year. Perhaps you heard the results of thousands of us rallying to have her celebrity crush, Justin Bieber, make a visit to her hospital room when Millie was too sick to go to his concert. Her picture with him was published around the world!

In 2013, Millie was fighting her third round against leukemia. Millie v. Cancer ended 2-1.

A couple weeks ago, the world lost a 7-year-old princess, and the heavens gained an angel. 
If you didn't get to meet Millie, here's a peek at her vivacious spirit, and her loving Flamm family. I look up to them more than I can say.

Yesterday nearly a thousand of us honored Millie's life in the second annual Millie's Princess Run in Sugarhouse Park. It's my favorite 5K of the year. The theme is "Cancer is a Royal Pain" and the Flamm family pass the love forward by donating to other cancer cuties' families. 

It was such a beautiful day for a princess run, and I was thrilled to find and run with my friend Kimberlee. We both cried when we heard Amanda Flamm (Millie's mom) make a speech before the race started. Amanda thanked everyone for loving Millie, and shared how touched she was to see the many lives that her daughter touched. 

Millie, you definitely touched my life. I'll never forget you.

Princess Run for life! Interested in running next year? Check out 

Crowns all lined up before the race started.
Tutus, fairy wings, balloons - you name it! It's quite the colorful, happy affair. 
They do a little race for kids, which is fun to watch.
Registrants getting set up for the race. Such a beautiful day.
I love seeing this sign at the end! What an inspiring way to look at life!
The gal in the white t-shirt and sunglasses is Amanda, Millie's mom. She's a TRUE hero!
Such a beautiful day for a Princess Run! We love you, Millie!


Saturday, June 15, 2013

Quacky for QWIRKLE

Get this. So, we got a few Christmas presents at Memorial Day (yeah for fun surprises!) My sister Emily gave me QWIRKLE, and Ryan and I have been a bit obsessed ever since.              

I've never been a fan of video games, but I love me a good board game. I was introduced to the Mensa-approved brainy game with our New Jersey cousins last October, and I'm so glad they know about such a fun, colorful games. You line up the colors and shapes, getting points for each line you create. When you finish a line of six, it's called guessed it...QWIRKLE, and you get a boost in points.Winning requires strategy, and I love how both sides of the brain need to show up and do their part.  

Ryan and I have played practically every single day since we brought it home. We played during my lunch breaks, waiting for a train on a bench, with our neighbors - it's definitely our game of choice at the moment. Ryan is first to tell you I'm competitive at games, and it's no wonder I created the "300 Point Club" in our QWIRKLE box.

Coming to visit us? Let's play QWIRKLE. Or maybe we'll bring it to your house. :)