Sunday, July 29, 2012

Ryan's Olympic Gold Medal

Yesterday as the world watched Ryan Lochte dominate the swim medley and win Olympic gold, my Ryan Beck scored a gold medal for swimming, biking, and running his first Olympic-length triathlon.(OK, OK, so Lochte's medal is really gold, while Beck's finisher's medal looks gold. Still, I'm impressed.)

Apparently, if you're a 27- or 28-year old Ryan, you're bound to be a) jaw-droppingly attractive and b) destined for studly greatness.  After months of training, Ry rocked the Spudman Triathlon's 1.5k swim, 25 mile bike, and 10k run, crossing the finish line with a 2:32 time and ninth in his division. That's my man! I am so proud of my stud in the Spud. Tami and Randy were fabulous as well - way to go, Becks!

We began our drive to Burley, Idaho, at 3:50 a.m. and met up with Ryan's sister, brother, and mom. The three siblings competed, while Trisha and I covered cheering and photography. Here's the victorious day in pictures, starting from when we arrived with thousands of other race-goers in the wee morning hours:

Thousands of bikes lined up at sunrise - ready for action!
Each racer got a bag of goodies, including an Idaho spud. Here, Ryan's getting his race number on his shirt.
Ryan barely made it in the water on time for his heat. With a current-aided swim, he said the water felt nice.
And they're off! Ryan, Tami, and Randy are pictured here - can you pick them out?
The masses of people watching, or waiting for their heat. Nothing like the tangible energy in the air on race day.
After the swim and bike, Ryan rushes to transition for the 10k run.
Tie those laces tight!
On the last quarter mile, he came in strong. Go, Ryan, Go!
"Here comes Ryan Beck, 28, of Ogden, Utah" says the announcer. Finish line in sight!
HE DID IT!!! Looking great, stud. Notice my rad London Olympics shirt; thanks Dad and Sue for getting it in England!
Ryan, Randy, Tami, and Julia - Olympic triathlon gold medalists! Nice work, you guys!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Meet My New Baby

I've hinted about this announcement before, and want Our Beck Trek friends to be first to know: My writing blog will be born August 8.*

Part-personal goal, part-grad project, I've been ramping up to launch this writing blog launch for more than a year. Now that it's almost here, I'm excited (and admittedly nervous) for the grand debut.

You're invited to check out and take a quick tour. After you see it, I'd love your comments - likes, dislikes, suggestions - all are appreciated! 

*Forgive me pulling a sneaky one on this post title. Worked, didn't it? Someday we really will have a baby announcement. I'll say this: We two Becks are both getting excited to someday be three...or four...or...

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Guest Post! The Vacation My Mom Walked

On a whim, a couple weeks ago I signed up for a "Blog Swap" with 20 Something BloggersThe theme: childhood summer vacation. This is the first guest post we've had on Our Beck Treks, and I'm delighted to introduce the heartfelt writing of my new friend Courtney. Girl's got a way with words. Get out your Kleenex.

The Vacation My Mom Walked

I was 6 when my mom was diagnosed with ALS. Depending on how you look at it we got lucky. She had sporadic ALS, basically meaning it wasn't genetic and she wouldn't have to suffer for years. 

When she was diagnosed, my dad and her would take trips everywhere - not for vacations per-se (though I think that's what my sister would call it) but for more in-depth medical treatments. Ones that weren't offered in the small town of Maine where we lived. 

During the summer I got to join them on one of these "vacations". It was during the part of the disease where my mom had started to lose the use of her legs. 

While I don't remember much of the vacation, I think we were in New Hampshire, I do remember one moment in time. One of the few moments I still have of my mom. 

We were in the pool, my dad and I, when the nurse wheeled my mom in to be with us. With the help of my dad and the nurse, my mom joined me in the pool. Like most days I was afraid to touch her, nervous that my pudgy self would brake her constantly growing frail frame. 
However, in the water it was as if nothing changed- You're weightless in the water. She was able to hold me, able to wrap me in her arms again- just like she had 6 months before. It was as if nothing had ever changed. 

We stayed in the pool for hours, our hands growing prunier by the minute. But we didn't care, we were just grateful to be back to normal. 
Eventually the nurse came to collect my mom for another treatment. She was hoisted from the water and put into her chair with wheels. 

That was one of the few moments when I saw a smile in my mom's eyes, a spark of life coming back. Though she never gave up, and if her body would've allowed it I'm sure she'd be here today, it was painful watching the following months as she descending into a vegetable like state. 

Eventually getting to the point where she could barely talk, let alone eat her own food. But that one, tiny, memory, from a short not-so-much vacation, is one of the few that I have of her. And I couldn't ask for anything more. 

That's why it's my favorite childhood vacation, because I got to see my mom walk when everyone said she couldn't. 
Courtney’s writings can be found scattered across the interwebs on anything from the latest Bachelor recap to how a cloud server will help re-grow civilization after a zombie attack (she’s creative). But mainly her writing lives on, a place where she will continue to live out her Carrie Bradshaw esk nights, and Pam Halpert days. 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Ogden Pioneer Days and Horses of Many Colors

Can I get a YEE-HAW?!

Ogden Pioneer Days begin this week, and the celebration can be seen throughout the streets. Ryan and I will holler and hoot at the Ogden rodeo this weekend.

More than anything, I'm enjoying colorful horses on my morning four-block commute to work. According to, the "Trail to Pioneer Days" horse project is the largest public art project of its kind in Utah. With more than 60 life-size fiberglass horses designed and painted by the finest artists, these pretty ponies grace Washington Blvd. and Historic 25th street from July to August. As the site says, they "lead the way to Ogden Pioneer Stadium where Ogden Pioneer Days originated and where the feeling of the American West still lives."

They're sure a happy sight at the start and end of my day! I've been getting to know them, and want to share my 2012 winners:

Most Partriotic - sponsored by Hill Air Force Base

Most Pricey

 Best Representation of Ogden (Ryan and I met the artist at a gallery stroll last year)

Most Delicious - sponsored by Hershey company (they have a local plant!)

Scariest - sponsored by Eccles Dinosaur Park (yes, we have a mini Jurassic Park here!)

Most Likely a Zebra in an Identity Crisis

Most Blatant Advertisement

Most Likely to Confuse a Bee

Best Horse Power

Most Likely to Star in a Chinese New Year's Parade

GRAND PRIZE: Best Looking and Best Representation of Pioneer Day - sponsored by Ryan's work, R&O Construction

Which is your favorite?

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Birthday Wishes to My Studly Backflipper

Happy birthday to the love of my life.

You're the most fun, free spirit I know.

Yet you still buckle down and responsibly take care of the daily grind.

You're genuine and true to yourself - even when I want you to see things my way.

You're always learning, filling your mind with fascinating new thoughts and ideas.

Thanks for being born and sharing your life with me.

You have my heart.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Salsaholics Anonymous Welcomes Newest Member

Me: My name is Crystalee Webb Beck. I am a salsaholic.

(group applause)

Me: My husband sent me here because I've been "drinking" away our salsa. At any given time, we have a stock of four salsa bottles. Costco's supply may not be able to keep up with my demand. I downed a 50-oz bottle in 24 hours this past weekend.True story.

I could eat chips and salsa all day, every day. Sometimes I do.

(group applause again)

Me: I've shared this before, and meant it: this salsa obsession started in the womb. It's part of my DNA. And I'm still not sure: What's so wrong with drinking salsa?

Note: While I may have staged this photo, it's saying something we have this many salsa bottles ready for my gulping (and two empty containers in the recycle bin - not joking).

Friday, July 6, 2012

Hair for Her: Before & After Donation

Although my heart pounded nervously on my way to the salon, after writing the "Preparing to Make the Cut" post, there was no turning back.

Friends, I did it! I donated 9.5" of my hair to the Pantene Beautiful Lengths program this week. I chose them because their organization makes wigs specifically for women with cancer and I want to honor my incredible Auntie Melanie.

To my surprise, rather than crying I was losing my long locks, I laughed through the process. The beautician was so sweet and gentle with my hair as I told her about Aunt Melanie. I only got close to teary eyed when I thought about how much I miss her.

Be inspired by Melanie's cheerful courage during her fight with cancer. Here's a blog post where she talks about losing her hair.

Love you, Auntie Mel

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Fourth of July Hall of Fame: Operation Y-Flag

We each have epic Fourth of July memories. I have two favorites. I've already shared Ryan’s 2010 surprise second proposal. The other hall of fame Fourth of July was called:

Operation: Y-Flag
Looking at Y mount countless times during my student years at BYU, I had the crazy of idea of gathering hundreds of people and making a human American flag on the Fourth of July. I shared this scheme with a go-getter buddy named Brian. Thanks to him, my awesome Lookout Lady roommates, a supportive team and the 120+ people we recruited, we actually pulled it off.

Quite the event planner, Brian made a web site (which still exists! check out this sweet little baby), figured out the mathematical proportions, contacted many student wards and asked them to make the hike a ward activity. He bought the 3,000 feet of plastic red table cloth since we had a lot of ground to cover and weren’t sure how many people would show up.Team Y-Flag left nothing to chance. We went door-to-door personally inviting BYU students to come. We had Y-Flag captains, team leaders, and volunteer drivers for a shuttle van system.(I gotta smile and shake my head at the memories – nothing could get in our way!)  

Here’s a piece straight from my 2009 journal:

Em's celebrating the 4th in the Motherland this year!
Wow, today set a new record for my favorite 4th of July.

We’d all gathered into our red/blue spots with the spectacular view before us. I thought I was going to burst with happiness when someone started singing “The Star Spangled Banner” and everyone joined in. No video could have captured how proud we felt – of ourselves, and of our country. That was a feel alive moment.

My family came, which really meant a lot to me. Sue, Emily, Erika, her boyfriend (who’s now my bro-in-law!) and John, and cousins Monica and Brian hiked it. Dad took pictures from below with his professional camera. People mixed and mingled and like my friend said, “they were just happy to be there.” As we watched the fireworks go off from our vantage point, I felt on top of the world…at least the Provo world.

God Bless America!

Were you there for this epic day? Let's hear your memories.

Love my family! Thanks for the support - then and now.
Check out that view! And we watched fireworks from up there...SO COOL.
Ironically at a blue/white school, we didn't have as many people in blue as we thought we would. 
Gotta love Jon Terry. 
These little lovebirds were oogley eyed all day - they got engaged pretty soon after this.
I heart the Mace family. Had the privilege of living with two of their daughters. Loves to Maria and Suzanne.

P.S. Earlier that day, we’d had a Webb family reunion, including the Riverton carnival. My dad paid for us kids to go on our first helicopter ride. “We soared above the carnival grounds and short across neighborhoods, parks and roads to see the new Draper temple from the sky. On the way there we saw the place where my grandparents built the house they lived in for 40+ years.”

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Preparing to Make the Cut

Forgive my blatant vanity: This post is about hair.

If you've seen me lately, you've noticed my hair is reeeeaaallllllyyy long. I've been talking about donating it for the better part of a year, and held out for a recent photo shoot with my high school friend (and incredibly talented professional photographer) Selena. Click here to see what we were up to. If you clicked, you'll notice my "writer girl" pictures for a soon-to-be-launched writing blog. (Our Beck Trek friends will be first to have a sneak peek...tune in soon!)

I'm so pleased with her pictures - both the creative writer ones and the outdoorsy head shots. If you're looking for a photographer in Arizona or Utah, Selena's a blast to work with. I highly recommend you check out her website

Back to lengthy locks can look like THIS!? After seeing Selena's magic, it almost pains me to make the cut. Almost.

Let's be honest. My hair in these pictures is the result of three hours of concentrated effort and two helpers (thanks, Katy and Jen!) I'm happy to have the movie star potential of my hair recorded, but would rather sleep an extra hour or finish a grad school assignment or actually go running or cuddle up with Ryan for Dr. Quinn than do a hairdo.

Thanks to Dad, I have an enviably thick braid. I'm grateful, don't get me wrong. Hair like this takes a lot of TIME I don't have/want to give.I literally only wash my hair every 5-6 days. (OK, OK...I even get away with a whole week sometimes.) It's so thick it only starts looking greasy on Day 6, and then I just bun-wrap  and nobody can tell. When I do wash it, a painful fight follows: Comb vs. Snarls. I hate it. The snarl fest is my least favorite 15 minutes of the week.

Because I have been given much (hair), I too must give. I have such a soft spot for cancer patients, mostly because I'm still missing my Auntie Melanie.  Yesterday we did the 5K for miss Millie. This is the week I'll be donating 9 inches. That's about two year's growth. And that's time well spent.